All Areas |
- Understand the school handbook and follow school rules
- Bring your ID everyday and to school sponsored events
- Use kind words when interacting with your peers and teachers.
- Profanity-free environment
- Follow school dress code
- Obtain permission before recording or photographing classmates and teachers on campus
Bathroom |
- Use restroom between classes
- Be prompt and return to class quickly.
- Flush toilets
- Throw trash in cans.
- Keep bathrooms graffiti free.
- Wash your hands thoroughly.
- Report any unclean and unsafe conditions
Technology |
- Come to class with a charged chromebook
- Leave equipment the way you found it
- Use school approved websites
- Use technology as instructed.
- Communicate as you would in person
- Use equipment with permission only
- Post & share appropriately according to school guidelines Remember digital material is permanent
- Report inappropriate content
Cafeteria |
- Wait for your turn in line.
- Eat at designated locations and times
- Welcome others to your table
- Treat cafeteria staff with kindness
- Profanity-free zone
- Throw away your trash in trash cans
- Keep hands, food and other belongings to yourself
Classroom |
- Be on time to class
- Stay on sites directed by your teacher
- Take credit for your work
- Use kind words when interacting with your peers, teachers and substitutes
- Use cell phones as directed by teacher
- Keep conversations focused on academic content
- Keep chairs pushed in and all four on the floor
- Store backpacks in teacher determined location
- Follow safety expectations in classroom
Hallways |
- Walk to class while maintaining personal space
- Go directly to your destination
- Keep public displays of affection (PDA) to a minimum
- Profanity-free environment
- Throw trash away in the trash cans
- Keep traffic moving forward during passing period
Library |
- Be in library with appropriate permission during classes
- Pick up trash and push in chairs
- Use quiet voices when classes are in session
- Show courtesy to library staff and peers
- Sitting in designated areas
- Report any concerns
Community |
- Be a Proud ambassador of Marana High School
- Use respectful language
- Be aware of those around you
- Stay alert and report concerns to school administration
School Events
Home/Away/Field Trips |
- Keep personal space with those around you
- Let officials and coaches do their jobs
- Engage in positive cheers.
- Show your tiger pride
- Keep interactions with opposing team and fans positive
- Follow school dress code.
- Stay in the designated area for that event.
Buses |
- Remain seated.
- Leave your space clean.
- Listen to and respect driver.
- Keep the noise level to a minimum.
- Profanity-free environment.
- Keep aisle clear.
- Stay seated when bus is in motion
- Keep hands and feet to self
Locker Rooms |
- Secure personal items
- Use time effectively by changing quickly
- Report concerns to the office
- Give privacy to others
- Keep hands to yourself
- Use positive statements and phrases when discussing body image
Auditorium |
- Focus on the event
- Eliminate electronic distractions
- Be on time.
- Take seats before performance or activity begins
- Be quiet when expected
- Applaud appropriately to show appreciation
- Be cautious when lights are low or out
- Walk in aisles not on chairs
Gym |
- Use equipment with care and return after using
- Throw trash away
- Report injuries to staff member immediately
- Stay in gym areas as directed by teacher
- Profanity free environment
- Be in gym with permission
- Keep interactions friendly
- Keep doorways and stairwells clear
- Report unclean and unsafe conditions