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Leaving Campus

MHS Front Entrance

Marana High School is legally responsible for its students during the school day and cannot allow students to leave campus without parental permission.  The procedure for leaving campus at is as follows:

  • Parent signs students out and back in, through the attendance office.
  • If student drives, they may sign themselves out with verbal approval per a phone call from parent/guardian prior to each occurrence.
  • If the nurse deems it necessary and receives verbal approval from your parent/guardian.

Picking Up or Calling Student Out Early

Attendance Early Pick-up Lines: (520)616-6400 ext.5406, 5425 or 5605 (Requests must go through Attendance).  If you want your student waiting for you, please call ahead, at least 2 periods prior, (see bell schedule) to allow time for a pass to be sent for your student.  If the time you plan pick-up/release your student is near a passing period (approx. 5 mins), your student can check-in to the Attendance Office at that time, to have your student waiting for your arrival, and/or a call to you can be made to you to confirm an early release.

*If you need to pick-up your student with short notice please come into the attendance office for assistance.

When leaving a message please include the following information:

  • Your name and your relationship to student
  • Student’s First and Last name (spell name to ensure we have heard it correctly)
  • Student’s grade level
  • Reason for leaving early (for attendance purposes)
  • Dates and Time you want your student to be released early (if you know in advance you are welcome to call the day prior and leave the message)
  • Identify who will be picking up your student or does your student drive.
  • Best number to reach you at if we have any questions

Note: The busiest times of the day in the attendance office, makes it more difficult to answer calls and check messages. (First 30 minutes of the school day, during student lunch, start of 5th & 6th period and the last 30 minutes of the school day)