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MHS Students attend Pima County Teen Town Hall!

MHS Students attend Pima County Teen Town Hall!
Student leaders from MHS

Student leaders from Marana High School participated in the Pima County Teen Town Hall on Nov. 13 at the Pima County Historic Courthouse to discuss issues impacting communities in Southern Arizona. The MHS students participated with other teens from across Pima County, meeting with community experts, county, and state officials. Students discussed challenges and potential initiatives the county could implement from their perspectives. The following ideas were discussed: 

  • Improve equity in education for teens and increase access to higher education opportunities
  • Increase educational programs in schools and provide resources to prevent drug misuse and increase support for individuals struggling with addiction
  • Discuss climate change and environmental improvements in our community
  • Increase awareness of mental health in Tucson and provide more mental health resources to community members