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Graduation Requirements

MHS Graduate walking stage for diploma

A minimum number of units of credit are required for graduation by the Arizona State Board of Education, as listed below. Students must complete a minimum of 22 units/credits in order to receive a high school diploma. There are specific course requirements with the balance of credits to be selected from elective courses.  

All students are also required to complete their ECAP* and pass the state-required Civics test with 60% or higher in order to receive a high school diploma. 

Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors must take (and seniors are strongly encouraged to take) a full load of 6 classes each year to be best prepared for post-high school options. Please be aware that Marana district-specific course requirements may not be the same as most college entrance course requirements. 

It is the responsibility of the student and/or parent to check the number of credits the student has towards graduation. This can be viewed through ParentVUE or by contacting the school's Registrar's office. 

*An Education Career Action Plan (ECAP) is a graduation requirement for all students beginning with the Class of 2013. On February, 2008 the Arizona State Board of Education approved the Education and Career Action Plan (ECAP) for all Arizona students grades 9-12 (R7-2-302.05). "Effective for the graduation of 2013, schools shall complete an Arizona Education and Career Action plan for every student in grades 9-12." The MVHS counseling department will work in partnership with our classroom teachers to assist students in developing their ECAP.

MUSD and College Comparison

Subject MUSD Requirements 4 Year -
Univ Reqs
English 4 credits 4 credits
(Emphasis on Composition and Literature)
Math 4 credits 4 credits

(Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, Advanced Math with Algebra 2 pre-requisite)

Science 3 credits 3 credits

(Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Earth Science. *Can take 2 in the same field if one is advanced study)

World History (Social Studies) 1 credit


US/History (Social Studies) 1 credit


American Government (Social Studies) .5 credit


Economics .5 credit


Social Studies (See above) 3 credits (US/AZ History, American Government)

Foreign Language

  2 credits (Same language)

Fine Art or CTE

1 credit 1 credit


7 credits  

Additional High School Course Transfers

  5 credits


22 credits 22 credits