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Career & Technical Education (CTE/JTED)

Welding Deer

Award-winning Career and Technical Education programs prepare students to enter the workforce with the academic and career skills needed to compete successfully in the job market.

CTE Logo

Marana district high schools are proud to offer over 115 Career & Technical Education programs which offer a sequence of courses to students in grades 9-12. Through the District's Career and Technical Education programs and a partnership with the Pima County Joint Technical Education District, students are offered instruction in Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Automotive Technology, Engineering, Robotics, Marketing, Sports Medicine, Welding Technology, Biotechnology, Dental Assisting, Software and Game Design, and many more! 

Explore our classes below! For assistance with Career and Technical classes please contact your school counselor or the Career and Technical Education Department for assistance.

Check out Our District-Wide Career Tech news!

Marana High School CTE Classes

Review available Marana High School courses to select the career program(s) of your choice. CTE/JTED Programs vary by design. Some programs are introductory in nature while others are articulated for credit with Pima Community College or the University of Arizona.  Courses are designed for students as exploratory for educational or occupational interests.